Highway Inn
Delicious dine-in and catering options
When in Oahu, whether as a traveler or as a long time resident, the best food you can ask for is some traditional Hawaiian flavors prepared with fresh ingredients. The Highway Inn Restaurant and Catering in Waipahu has 75 years of experience preparing delicious meals using classic flavors. Stop in to try our renowned beef stew, or to have a quality breakfast to help you get ready for the day. You’re guaranteed to enjoy your meal when you dine with us, and we look forward to serving you the food we were raised on.
Waipahu, Oahu, Hawaii
Built with modern sensibilities, our Waipahu location is stylish and comfortable, a perfect match for the charming location. The glistening blue waters of Middle Loch are just a short walk away help to set the scene for anyone looking for classic Hawaiian food on Oahu.